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Basemark Expands Management Team with Appointment of Marc Dillon as CTO

Helsinki, Finland, March 31, 2020 – Basemark, a leading software company specializing in graphics and automotive applications announced today that embedded software veteran Marc Dillon has been appointed as CTO effective immediately.

Marc has a proven track record of delivering software and

hardware products in embedded, mobile, real-time, and high tech companies. He is known globally for co-founding and leading the global presence of Jolla and the Sailfish operating system, which is now used as a secure mobile platform in the east. Marc carries nearly 30 years of technology and product creation knowledge, working as a principal engineer at Nokia and VP of Software at ZenRobotics.

“I have spent much of my career leading teams on the bleeding edge of technology;” says Dillon, “I have been particularly impressed by the team and technology Basemark has amassed.” Dillon is tasked with scaling Basemark’s tech proposition and R&D team during a time where the market is creating great demand.

“Basemark has won the trust of its customers and has the competence to serve and satisfy some of the world’s most respected OEMs, tier 1 suppliers and technology providers”, says Basemark CEO Keith Silverang, “I am confident that Marc will intensify the development of our technology portfolio and build up a product portfolio that is deeply rooted in our customers’ needs.”

About Basemark

Basemark Oy is a privately held stock corporation registered and headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. The company develops Rocksolid Engine, a world leading real-time graphics and compute software solution for mission critical industrial applications. Basemark also develops system performance evaluation tools such as BATS and Basemark GPU. For more information, please visit

Basemark and Rocksolid are trademarks or registered trademarks of Basemark Oy. Vulkan and OpenGL ES are trademarks of the Khronos Group. All other mentioned brands may be property of their respective owners.

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