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Basemark at Auto Tech Week 2021


By Lee Teschler | November 17, 2021 

Gallery: Sights from 2021 Automotive Tech Week, Novi, Mich.

The Automotive Tech Week event running Nov. 15-19 covered automotive interiors, ADAS and autonomous vehicle technology, advanced propulsion, and automotive user experience topics. The exposition associated with the event featured examples of technical advances now making their way into the designs of automotive OEMs. Here are a few of the more notable developments we saw on the show floor.

Basemark: An operating system for software-defined vehicles

Most automotive OEMs probably would rather spend their time working on product features that will differentiate them rather than on the bowels of operating system software. That’s the thought behind an automotive operating system called Rocksolid Core from Basemark in Finland. As diagrammed on the slide behind Basemark COO Sami Niska, the OS execution environment and platform covers all vehicle functions, ranging in safety critical levels from ASIL-B to ASIL-D. It is based on Autosar Classic, Autosar Adaptive and Linux, coupled with the firm’s high-performance compute and graphics libraries middleware. Basemark says its vision stack and safe HMI utilize a target platform’s accelerators, GPUs and CPUs in such an optimal way that OEMs may be able to reduce the number of processors the application requires. Rocksolid Core also comes with reference applications for ADAS and HMI. Moreover, licensing scheme is such that OEMs actually get source code so they can maintain their codebase and modify and develop new applications as time goes on.

Read more about Rocksolid core


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