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Basemark Appoints Founder Tero Sarkkinen as CEO

CEO Tero Sarkkinen

Helsinki | Apr 15,2021

Basemark Oy announced today that it has appointed the company’s founder Tero Sarkkinen as the CEO of the company, effective today. Former CEO Keith Silverang continues as a board director of the company.

“When I took over as CEO of Basemark, the job was to safeguard the ongoing operations and create the business basics needed for a growth company. That meant creating sustainable structures, processes and strong values. And it meant bringing in world-class talent. We have now achieved that mission.” says Keith Silverang, Board director of Basemark.

“Now that these elements are in place and we have an excellent funding partner in ETF, the next stage of Basemark’s transformation will mean developing a new generation of world-class software products. That requires a CEO who understands the needs of the automotive industry and knows the customers and products intimately. Tero Sarkkinen is a perfect fit for those requirements, and I can make the best use of my experience from my perch as a board member of Basemark.”, Silverang continues.

“Keith has done a tremendous job in developing Basemark to where it is today. We’re now ready to move to the next phase in our journey and that calls for intensive new software technology development. I wish to thank Keith for his contributions so far and I look forward to continue to working with him in his new role as a board director.” says Sarkkinen, newly appointed CEO & Founder of Basemark.

About Basemark

Basemark Oy is a privately held stock corporation registered and headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. The company develops Rocksolid Engine, a world leading real-time graphics and compute software solution for mission critical industrial applications. Basemark also develops system performance evaluation tools such as Basemark Automotive Testing and Basemark GPU. For more information, please visit

Basemark and Rocksolid are trademarks or registered trademarks of Basemark Oy. All other mentioned brands may be property of their respective owners.

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