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OSVR™ Collaborates With Basemark®

Basemark Levels the Playing Field for Virtual Reality Ecosystem

Helsinki (Finland) September 1st, 2015 – Basemark announced today that it will bring their benchmarking technology to OSVR, a global industry consortium of over 230 companies focusing on creating open standards for virtual reality.

OSVR is an ecosystem designed from the ground up to set an open standard for VR input devices, games and output with the sole goal of providing the best possible game experience in the VR space. Basemark develops benchmarking software that enables the objective comparison of performance and quality of VR hardware.

“We are excited to have Basemark join OSVR. With the VR industry starting to spread its wings having the technology to enable cross-platform comparisons will help many VR hardware companies to develop better products and software developers to understand what level of content they can author for various VR systems.” Said Chris Mitchell, Senior Marketing Manager of Razer. “OSVR is about collaboration and allowing our partner’s technologies benefit each other. Basemark VR is a great example of this vision.”

“Typically, an industry standard benchmark is needed in situations where a new key technology emerges rapidly and there is a large number of companies offering competing solutions. This is exactly the case of the VR industry. There’s hundreds of companies developing Head Mounted Displays (HMDs), controllers, displays and rendering systems, not to speak of all the game developers developing VR titles. However, consumers and business application users are scratching their heads as they don’t know which components to choose.” Said Tero Sarkkinen, Founder and CEO of Basemark, “We are honored and humbled by this recognition by OSVR to invite us to work with the OSVR ecosystem of companies to help bring a standard and objective way of measuring and comparing VR hardware.”

About Basemark

 Basemark develops industry-leading system performance analysis tools. Its world-renowned product portfolio includes Basemark ES for OpenGL ES, Basemark X for gaming, Basemark OS for overall platform testing, and Browsermark for browser performance testing on Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile powered devices. Basemark is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.

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