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Technical Sales Engineer - 3D UI Demo

Do you have an engineering or computer science degree, Demo experience too but now genuinely curious about sales, customers and the hot autonomous drive / automotive industry? We are one of the few Finnish companies concentrating on this booming global sector. Now we have an opportunity for a technical person based in Finland to learn the business side of some next level 3D graphics products and beautiful software set to revolutionize autonomous drive! Come see for yourself:


A Finland-based software company, is positioned at the junction of graphics and compute with high-end capabilities optimized for automotive and consumer devices. We are world-class experts in real-time 3D graphics, compute programming and design. We have the customers, we have a profitable business, we have the technology, and we are scaling up our tech by productizing it and adding further compute and graphics capabilities as we change autonomous driving forever (and for the better). And now with an infusion of millions in cash we are hiring more world-class experts to help us build our products to scale.

So here’s the situation:

Beyond our brilliant engineers and designers, we have these epic sales people locally in Finland, and in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, and the US. What we are looking for, is someone <technical> to play an important role in building relationships and showcasing our tech, to existing and new customers, worldwide. You will join meetings between our sales guys and customers (Asia, Europe, Americas). Obviously these meetings are virtual at the moment, but once things settle down, you could do some traveling if you like? But not necessary.

So, as tech sales engineer / demo stud, you would be the LINK, the bridge if you will, between our customers and our engineering teams. You will pay close attention to customer questions, answering them if you can, or then get them answered by our engineers (and remember the answers for the future). You will then be responsible for setting up demos of our products, and then showcasing them depending on your technical acumen. Throughout each case you’ll work on, you will directly support our sales guys, while taking the time to learn more about our technologies and products, and exploring your own thoughts about: sales. Is this your thing? Do you want to earn big bucks closing deals? Or do you want to re-enter technical leadership and hands on development? Think of this as an opportunity to figure all this out, while mastering sexy tech and earning good money. Who knows, maybe this will lead you to becoming the next Sami Niska? (incredibly famous chief of sales at Basemark)

You also have the opportunity to explore other career opportunities with us on the tech side, of which there are bountiful paths.

Requirements on the technical side:

  • C++ experience, or knowledge
  • Demo implementation, or UI implementation skills with modern tools to create UIs, like with Qt, WPF, Kanzi
  • Blender, Unity, Unreal, making demos with them in the past
  • Mobile development

On the non technical side:

  • You are a natural conversationalist in at least one language, preferably English
  • You are confident and fearless
  • Strong and vivid sense of humor
  • You are a talker, a researcher, and a listener

We can’t wait to meet you!! Please send your English CV and cover letter to us at with the subject entitled ‘Tech Sales Engineer’. You got this!

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