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Senior Software Engineer Generalist, R&D

Clean code, elegance in programming, in a safety critical area… high quality strictly written code…… do these lines encapsulate you as a programmer? Some people are masochists, other people want to blow the world up (think Joker, in the Dark Knight, but as a coder). A select few want to help others…..helping improve code, cleaning and tidying it up, while working on different platforms at the same time, different operating systems, between DevOps and the codebase. We’ll take the Joker sense of humor, and make-up and wardrobe, but lose the violent disposition ok?

We are looking to hire the BEST Programmer Finland has to offer. If you are an old-school C++ programmer with incredibly advanced skills in programming languages and tools related to them, in general, we want you! You get to work on embedded and safety critical certified software, to make something meaningful, to develop software for autonomous things.


A Finnish-based software product company, is positioned at the junction of graphics and compute with high-end capabilities optimized for automotive. We are world-class experts in real-time 3D graphics, compute programming and design. We have the customers, we have the profitable services business, we have the technology, and we are scaling up our tech by productizing it and adding more and more compute and graphics capabilities as we revolutionize autonomous driving. And now with a recent infusion of cash we are hiring more world-class experts to help us in R&D to build our products to scale.

The Team: Rocksolid

Our team of 8-10 experts are building Rocksolid™, our lightweight, cross platform, API agnostic compute and graphics solution. Optimized for a small memory footprint and fast start-up time, Rocksolid ensures reliable real-time compute and rendering across heterogeneous hardware architectures. This is our flagship product where you get to help us identify and resolve complex problems as we refine and propel its evolution.

The Job:

You will develop our SDK and architecture, test and package, unit test and integrate applications on top of Basemark’s Rocksolid graphics and compute engine. You will work in Agile/kanban teams with a strong DevOps organization and clear processes and tools. Regular customer releases give valuable feedback and priorities and provide regular validation of the work.

While having the opportunity to focus on getting things done, you will enjoy some variety of tasks to choose from. You will see your work go into production vehicles and increase safety for motorists worldwide.


  • SDK Development
  • Compiler experience
  • Deep knowledge in multiple programming languages
  • Advanced C++
  • You like to build tools and make code beautiful
  • You are a professional support programmer, and proud of it

Our Process:

Send your CV and cover letter to: with the subject entitled: Senior SW Generalist. We will be in touch with you once we have returned to Earth from the out of body experience in reading your credentials.

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